Web Content Portfolio

a Perry Abramowitz Production

Hanna Landscaping and Design


HTML5 Web Storage Demo

Exquisite Typography

Meet the Abramowitz Family

Do-It-Yourself Helpers

Camp Kinderleher

Local Storage with Google Maps API

Kollel Booklist

My User-Centered (UX) Design professor thought it a good idea I design a website for something I have no interest in rather than design a site regarding something I'm passionate about. So, when asked by a landscaping company to build a website, something which I a have no interest in, it became a clear winner. In retrospect, I see the wisdom in my UX-Design professor's request. After all, that class was about designing for the user and not for myself.

This is the result of my Web Technologies and Standards course. The code and README.md are on github. In short: A web application and social media site for SVG-enthusiasts. Of special interest is the parsing function which parses an SVG graphic into its simpler elements.

This project was for a graduate level web development course and it was supposed to be a powerpoint. As a developer, I felt this was insulting so I created a mock-powerpoint web presentation for HTML's local and session storage feature. It uses AJAX to dynamically load the content. The project itself is explained in the companion W3C Web Storage Standard Paper. In brief: One spec native applications have historically had over web applications is the ability to use the client’s machine for storing and retrieving data for use in the application. Native applications can store data in a computer registry, INI files or even imbed a database for use in the application. Web apps have clumsily made use of cookies as substitutes for local storage, but cookies have a number of limitations: they are burdensomely sent with every http request, they send the data unencrypted, and they are limited to about 4 KB of data. Come HTML5 to natively implement local storage in web browsers so it is available even when cookies or third-party browser plugins are not.

A paper turned web page on typography. It discusses the trends, such as when to use serif versus sans-serif and issues related to the use of typography on the web versus print.

A project in which I was asked simply to think outside the box. So I made some boxes, one for each member of my family, and placed a floating image of each family member that pops outside the box. Also, jquery's hide and show functions are demo-ed using the click event. Click on a box to reveal a short bio.

Don't be mad if you expected more of this. This is just a preview of the new design of my legendary DIY Helpers project, a very pro and rad and robust php-mysql application that is currently undergoing a refesh. If you want to hire me, then let me demo in person because I refuse to take it off my resume.

I have some friends that moved out to Meadville and wanted to make a living as organic farmers so I pitched them a website in which I more or less tried to intrusively re-purpose their lifestyle choice by making the farm more into a resort. I just wanted them to have parties and money.

A simple app that uses the Google Maps API and HTML5's local storage feature to give you an interactive map of where you are. You can use the app to get your coordinates by pressing the "Record my Coordinates" button. The fleshed out version would draw you a map of where you went, but I think someone's already done it. Oh well.

Forms are really commonplace and used just about everywhere, but I have a somewhat nastalgic connection to this one and I keep it up here to remind myself of a project I plan on doing involving e-commerce and book ordering for a small non-profit library.