Meet the Abramowitzes


rivka abramowitz

Also known as Bear-Bear. She runs the show. She'll put you in timeout if you don't shut up.


perry abramowitz

Although Perry sometimes regrets not pursuing a promising career in professional skateboarding and instead following his heart as a beat-boxer, he still likes to dust off the old deck and kick a flip now and again.

Bayla Perle

bayla abramowitz

Our eldest born princess who does the right thing the second time she is asked. Born on כ"ה חשון תשס״ח (November 6, 2007).

Orli Tzipora

orli abramowitz

There is no point in describing Orli because she will then purposely defy your description. She was begging her Mommy for juice the other day and her Mommy impatiently responded that she can only do one thing at a time. Orli said, "But Mommy you have two hands." Born יום ירושלים, כ"ח א''ר תשס״ט (May 22, 2009).

Shlomo Zalman

shlomo abramowitz

This wild animal will take your ear off. Born פורים קטן, י״ד אדר א׳ תשע״א (February 18, 2011).